
A showcase of my featured work.

Online custom framing made easy

I love to build things! I discovered Picture Framing in 2004. Since then, I have framed countless artwork, certificates, medals, just about anything you can imagine.
I quickly realized that I could make my life easier by developing an application to help estimate the cost for framing. And so, a passion project was born. Today, Framealot is a full-fledged eCommerce application.

I had a very specific idea of what I wanted to accomplish. After my initial planning, I went through various frameworks such as Magento, NopCommerce and Reaction commerce. I took a bold step and decided to build my own eCommerce platform from scratch. 😲

I took account of what I have learned as a full-stack developer and selected the tools that will help me achieve my goal:


StencilJS to build standards based Web Components that run in every browser.


Reactive Extensions to manage data flow throughout the application.


Jest for unit testing my components together with Puppeteer for E2E tests.


ASP.NET Core and EF Core for the backend services.


Used MariaDB as a fast, secure and scalable database.


I used Jenkins to automate my builds to my UAT environments and set up continuous delivery to my Production servers.

What makes this project fun is the Framebuilder, where a user can pick and choose the elements that make up a frame. When done, you can zoom in and get a larger view of your design.

FarmIT logo

I have developed a number of desktop and web applications for the agricultural sector at Farm-IT, where I was lucky enough to use any technology stack to solve the business problems I had before me. This has given me ample experience in choosing the right tech to solve problems. I soon learned that choosing your own stack is a big responsibility, as it has profound effects on the life cycle of a project.

I enjoy designing meaningful UX/UI so that users can solve complex problems using a simple and intuitive interface. I am a strong believer in less is more, which translates to less work for the end user when engaging with my apps.

From the outset, my focus was on creating application experiences that would work as well offline as online. I incorporated the ideas of progressive web apps in 2012 before they became popular.


GeoFarm is a single-page application (SPA) for agronomist that manages input budgets and actual expenditure.


Originally AngularJS was used for the frontend. Upgraded later, to Angular 4.


Used NgRx Store to provide reactive state management for the application.


Openlayers was used to display vector and raster data from a GeoServer endpoint.


Jasmine and Karma test runner for unit testing components.


For the backend services, I went with .NET 4.5 ASP.NET Web API.


MS SQL Server for the database.


GeoLIS is a GIS-based application used daily by silo managers to assist operations. This is one of my first enterprise projects that I completed in 2009, while still being a junior developer.

I'm very proud to say that GeoLIS is still used in production today.


This is a windows application build with WPF using a MVVM pattern.


Dapper was used as the Object-Relational-Mapper for the application.


SQLite was used for local persistance and syncronised to a MS SQL Server database.


Reporting was done using MS SQL Server Reporting Services.

Links to these projects are unfortunately not publically available.
